Friday, March 6, 2015

Is Cancer a Death Sentence ? ? Depends.....

World Cancer Day – 4th Feb

It’s been month that I lost my dad against his battle with Cancer. I heard it’s now official that one among eight are affected by Cancer. How we can fight against this is only by spreading awareness and early diagnosis.

Cancer, also called malignancy, is an abnormal growth of “bad” cells. There are more than100 types of cancer.

It is not a virus or bacteria and it’s not infectious.

......Cancer is a word that terrifies a person. We all know the word, but many of us don't really know the meaning of this word. If one go to a doctor and are told he/she has it, we panic and let our imaginations run wild. Definitions are unlimited! The dictionary has a different idea than a medical dictionary and an Onchologist will make it sound very complicated further stressing our imaginations. So--- what is cancer? 
.....Because this word is not as ugly as it may seem, let's just start with this very simple definition: CANCER IS A GROWTH OF ABNORMAL CELLS SOMEWHERE IN THE BODY. How much more simple can that be? So far, no need to panic, right? 
......There are benign growths and malignant growths. Somehow the malignant ones capture our attention and we're off to the races. As everything can be built up, so everything can be torn down. Malignant tumors are no different. Now let's try to find a cause without panic

What causes Cancer?

        Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems

How I prevent this? Prevention is better than cure...

We are our own enemy.. We often don’t care of our Immune system. if we can figure out that part of our defense system is lacking, that maybe that system is wide open for invasion.

Few facts:

-          Its still controversial that if a person dies because of Cancer or Chemotherapy treatment at 4th stage

-          It’s still unknown that what is exact cause of Cancer while lifestyle disorders are reasons

-          Cigarettes, alcohol, processed food, pollution, different chemicals that we take, too much of medication, reaction from some treatments (like obesity) may contribute to cancer but not the only Cause

-          Cancer is not curable when it’s Stage-3, 4. We can only prolong life span and improve quality of life with proper medication

-          Don’t go for Chemotherapy if patient has other complications like Diabetes slow killer of pancreas, smoking and alcohol which affect Lungs already, other disorders and immunity system is so weak.

-          There are alternate medications in Ayurvedic (I heard of Sri Vaidya Narayana in Shimoga and Dr Yeshi Dhonden, Dharmasala) and german Homeo

-          Graviola (Soursop, also leaves and stem) is the amazon based fruit that works better than Chemo in a long run but may not give immediate results.

Different Treatment types:
1. Ayurveda - There are many in ayurveda, Kerala ayurveda, Kottakkal ayurveda, local ayurvedic doctors.. better consult best ones who has extensive knowledge of treating cancer patients
2. Allopathy
       ----- Chemotherapy
       ----- Immunotherapy
       ----- Targeted Therapy
3. Accupressure - very minor benefits
4. Homeopathy - less benefits
5. Herbal 
      -  Dharmashala, Yeshi Dhonden, 
      -  Karnataka - Shimoga Vaidyanarayana, Shimoga => Anandapura => Narasipura
      -  near Mangalore, there is another Dr Narayana Murthy - Puttur
     - Vellan Vaidyar, an adivasi doctor near Wayanad in Kerala


ravi said...

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Dr. Garry Gautier said...

That was an awesome post. I loved it reading and even shared it with a friend of mine. That said, I would like to let you know that, we are the leading center for cancer treatment in Costa Rica. Within a short span of time, we have become the best choice for cancer patients. We use different types of therapies, including Gerson therapy depending on the stage of cancer. Apart from that, we are also a well-known provider of healing retreats in Costa Rica. To learn more, get in touch with us.

Florence said...

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